
Wickland Baptist Church exists to love God and love others by making disciples of Christ who then make disciples.

  • Connect to God/Christ and each other
  • Grow in spiritual maturity 
  • Serve with your time, talents, and resources 
  • Go into the community and the world


  • Candy donations

    The Children's Ministry needs some candy for their Easter Celebration. Put candy in the labeled box by March 30.

  • Church Directory Pictures

    Church Directory pictures,  April 12, 4-8 pm & April 13, noon to 4 pm.  We want you to come for a 10 min session to take you or your family picture    Sign ups begin March 30. 

  • Spring Mower Service by Iron Men of Wickland

    The Iron Men of Wickland are offering a Spring Mower Service for anybody who needs it. That will include an oil change, full inspection, possible air filter change, etc. There is a sign up sheet in the hallway, or contact Montey Johnson to get your mower serviced.

  • Serve by Operating Slides during Worship

    Running the slide presentation for the worship service is one of the easiest ways to serve the church. You can be trained in about a minute. Dave Coffing will have a schedule for people to sign up to run the slides. We have many operators, so signing up for once a month should be plenty to take care of it. See Dave to put your name on the schedule.

  • Serve a Meal at Churchill Downs Backside March 31

    This is part of an ongoing ministry from Wickland Baptist Church to serve the workers on the "Backside" of Churchill Downs.

    The next meal we serve is on Monday, March 31. Use the sign up sheet on the bulletin board to sign up to provide food and/or serve. The meal starts at 6:15. We will leave the church at 4:45.

  • Give during March to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

    The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (AAEO) is the primary way Southern Baptists fund missions in North America. One hundred percent of gifts given to AAEO go to the field to support more than 2,900 missionary families serving across the United States and Canada.

    You can use the envelopes in the pew racks for these donations.

  • Two Easter Services April 20, 2025

    Easter is on April 20 this year. We will have two services for Easter, just like we have the last few years. Come and celebrate the resurrection of our living Savior! Invite the entire neighborhood. The first at 9:00 and the second at 10:30 with donuts and coffee in between services. Both services will be broadcast to Facebook and YouTube.

  • Use the special offering envelopes

    We are providing special offering envelopes to help pay down the loan on the new property. Look for them in the pew racks, and use them when you want to give to the new property loan.

  • Deacons of the Month (March)

    Warren Pulliam (502) 507-3128
    Darrell Lauer (502) 507-7844
    Lenny Mudd (502) 794-0066

    Call any of them if you need anything.

  • Deacons of the Month (April)

    The Deacons of the month for April are:

    • Robert Bonzo, 502-827-9701,
    • Dave Coffing, 502-507-6555,
    • Ronnie Reinle, 502-507-3897.

    They are standing by, waiting to help with anything you need!

  • Moving Forward Together Campaign Reveal

    We are thrilled to announce that the church has pledged to give $213,879 over the next three years! We also want to give a special shout out to the children, who donated $90.40. These pledges and donations represent a step forward in securing the future of our ministry, creating a lasting impact on our community. 

  • We can use more Children's Ministry Volunteers

    Children's Ministry is in need of more volunteers for Sunday morning and Wednesday night activities. 

    • 2nd-5th grade class Teachers/Helpers
    • Preschool-1st Grade Teachers/Helpers
    • Nursery Volunteers

    All of these opportunities can be on a rotating schedule. See Annie to talk about scheduling options. Many hands make light work.

  • Create an account to view our church directory

    Open the following link to create an account so that you can look at our church directory. Click Here.

    1. When you get to the page
    2. Click on the "Sing in" button
    3. click on create account and follow instructions

    After your account is approved, you will be able to make corrections to your personal information. You should also be able to remove old photos and upload new ones.

  • Visit our YouTube Channel

    Click here to visit our YouTube Channel to view any of our worship services from the past couple of years.