Wickland Baptist Church exists to love God and love others by making disciples of Christ who then make disciples.
- Connect to God/Christ and each other
- Grow in spiritual maturity
- Serve with your time, talents, and resources
- Go into the community and the world
"Moving Forward Together"
Sign up to come to an information and prayer meeting on January 27 at 4:00 PM or 6:30 PM or January 28 at 6:30 PM. The discussion/prayer time will be about the stewardship campaign that we have titled "Moving Forward Together." (Opal Gjerstad has sign up sheets)
Anything is possible with God. Let's pray and talk about how Wickland is Moving Forward Together. Pray about how you may use your time, talents, gifts, and resources to further the kingdom of God.Use the special offering envelopes
We are providing special offering envelopes to help pay down the loan on the new property. Look for them in the pew racks, and use them when you want to give to the new property loan.
Send Relief - Dough for Dough-nations
Jan 26, Sunday morning the Women on Mission groups will have cookies, different types of bread to share for a donation. The donation will go to support Send Relief ministry worldwide and hunger relief.
https://www.sendrelief.org/Chocolate Extravaganza Feb 15
Guthrie Opportunity Center sponsors a fund raiser for the New Life Center. Feb 15, 2022 7:00 - 9:00 PM.
Go to Eventbrite.com to reserve your tickets. $25 per single ticket or $200 for a table of 8.Deacons of the month (January)
Robert Bonzo (502) 827-9701 Dave Coffing (502) 507-6555 Ronnie Reinle (502) 507-3897 Call if you need anything.
We can use more Children's Ministry Volunteers
Children's Ministry is in need of more volunteers for Sunday morning and Wednesday night activities.
- 2nd-5th grade class Teachers/Helpers
- Preschool-1st Grade Teachers/Helpers
- Nursery Volunteers
All of these opportunities can be on a rotating schedule. See Annie to talk about scheduling options. Many hands make light work.
Create an account to view our church directory
Open the following link to create an account so that you can look at our church directory. Click Here.
- When you get to the page
- Click on the "Sing in" button
- click on create account and follow instructions
After your account is approved, you will be able to make corrections to your personal information. You should also be able to remove old photos and upload new ones.
Visit our YouTube Channel
Click here to visit our YouTube Channel to view any of our worship services from the past couple of years.