Our Beliefs

The Articles of Faith adopted by this Church are contained in the Tract, The Baptist Faith and Message, adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000. These Articles are a revision of the The Baptist Faith and Message of 1963, which is a revision of the Memphis Confession of 1925, which are based upon the New Hampshire and Philadelphia Confessions, which in turn are based upon the Old London Confession of 1689. 


Having been brought by God’s grace to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and to give ourselves to Him, and having been baptized as our public profession of faith, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we covenant with each other as one body, that we will do the following:

  •  We will work and pray for the unity of the Spirit.
  •  We will walk together in brotherly love, caring for and watching over one another.
  • We will assemble together regularly.
  • We will pray for each other.
  • We will rejoice with each other.
  • We will seek to bear each other’s burdens and sorrows.
  • We will serve the Lord together, and we will serve each other.
  • We will, as individuals and a corporate body, seek to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.
  • We will seek to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to pursue holiness in the strength of the Lord.
  • We will submit to and participate in the accountability and discipline of this church.
  • We will disciple our children and anyone under our care in the ways of the Lord.
  • We will seek to be a witness of the Gospel to those around us in word and deed; especially to our family and friends.
  • We will give cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel through all nations.
  • We will sustain the church’s worship, ordinances, and doctrine (as found in the church’s statement of faith).
  • We will hold the Bible as our ultimate and final authority in all matters.
  • We will, as individuals, covenant with another church of like faith and practice, if the Lord should move us from this place.
  • We will depend on God to help us fulfill this covenant with one another, by His grace and for His glory.


Section 1. Polity – The government of this Church is vested solely in the body of believers who compose it. It is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation, which are common among Southern Baptist Churches.

Section 2. Affiliation – So far as it is consistent with the Word of God, this Church shall cooperate with and have representation in the denominational causes sponsored by the Southern Baptist Convention. Believing that the Nelson Baptist Association, the Kentucky Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention, and other affiliated and auxiliary organizations and causes of the Southern Baptist Convention have as their purpose the promotion and support of missions, education, and benevolence of character, and in keeping with the spirit of this Constitution and the Articles of Faith of this Church, we, therefore, agree to participate in these organizations through our duly elected messengers and our support of the causes which these organizations represent and foster.

Section 3. Doctrine – This Church accepts the Scriptures as its authority in all matters of faith and practice. Its understanding of Christian truth is in accord with the Articles of Faith.